Current Collaborations

CADA operates on the collective effort of like-minded individuals who believe in the foundation’s current ability to look into the possibilities of shaping local platforms towards global needs and concerns. It also places utmost importance into fostering the right partnerships that create short and long term value, with individuals whose talents and connections may create a network of opportunities for the community members and their products.

As researchers and design practitioners, we thus recognize the importance of including the artisans in the dialogue of a design process. This means that we consider artisans’ design practices, products, and ideas as their own, and for their own means. 


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Openbox is supporting CADA in producing a documentary called “Proximities of Design” based on the work developed in the Community of San Pablo Tijaltepec, Oaxaca, Mexico. It is also based on the material for the book “Collaborative Social Design” by Carmen Malvar, and a reflection on the impact of debates on decolonizing design practice. Featured below is a trailer of work by Openbox; “The New Bauhaus”.

Maddalena Forcella x DEED Lab

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In response to the community's request for equipment & training, the DEED Lab together with Maddalena Forcella Studio and CADA Foundation are working on funding to initiate a new collaboration with Epalchén/Chamula indigenous weavers in the Chiapas Highlands (in the territory now known as Mexico), with a focus on improving the wool production supply chain. We are raising funds to provide equipment & training to the weavers, as well as to
conduct primary & secondary research regarding indigenous craft, material culture, and artisan supply chain production. Our goal is to document the project to disseminate it as a published case study and resource for other indigenous communities.

01 Research & Documentation

02 Case Studies

03 Manufacturing & Transformation

04 Legal & Anthropological Support

05 Current Collaborations

06 References & Dissemination

07 Multimedia, References & Sources

CADA Foundation, is a public charity foundation under the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 501 (c) (3), registered in the state of New York. Donors can deduct contributions they make under IRC Section 170 (b) (1) (A) (vi) . CADA is also a member of the UNESCO Sustainability Chair in Barcelona, Spain. Its team is composed of dedicated individuals who have strong interest and concern towards the future of heritage, identity, and local value.
